Stories of inspiration | Nobel Lecture | Mother Teressa

Nobel Lecture

In 1919 Mother Teressa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for work undertaken in the struggle to overcome poverty and distress, which also constitute a threat to peace.
When Mother Teressa was asked " What can we do to promote world peace?” her answer was simple, "GO home and love your family" The following excerpt has been adapted from Nobel Lecture, 11 Dec. 1979. I never forget an opportunity I had in visiting a home where they had all these old parents of sons and
daughters who had just put them in an institution and forgotten may be. And I went there, and I saw in that! home they had everything, beautiful things, but everybody was looking towards the door. And I did not!
see a single one with their smile on their face. I turned to the sister and asked: How is that? How is it that the people who have everything here, why are they all looking towards the door, why are they not smiling? I am so used to see the smile on our people, even the dying ones smile, and she said. This is nearly everyday, they are expecting, they are hoping that a son or a daughter will come to visit them. They are hurt because they are forgotten, and see this is where love
comes. That poverty comes right there in our ownes even neglect to love. May be in our own family we have somebody who is
ave somebody who is feeling sick, who is feeling , and these are difficult days for everybody. Are we there, are we there to receive there to receive the child?....

I was surprised in the west to see so many young boys and girls given into drugs and I tried to find out why; why is it like that, and the answer was because there is no one in the family to receive them. Father and mother are so busy that they have no time. Young parents are in some institution and the child takes back
to the street and gets involved in something, we are talking of peace. These are things that break peace.............

And so here I am talking with you I want you to find the poor here, right in your own home first. And begin love there. Be that good news to your ow npeople. And find out about your next door neighbour Do you know who they aare A PRAYER OFTEN RECITED BY THE MISSIONARIES OF CHARITY Lord, make me a channel of thy peace that, where there is hatred, I may bring love; that, where
there is wrong, I may bring the spirit of forgiveness, that where there is discord I may bring harmony; that where there is error, I may bring truth; that, where there is doubt, I may bring faith; that where there is despair, I may bring hope; that where there are shadows, I may bring light; that, where there is sadness.
I may bring joy. Lord, grant that I may seek to comfort than to be comforted, to understand than to be understood, to love than to be loved; for it is by forgetting self that one finds it; it is by forgiving that one is forgiven; it is
by dying that one awakens to eternal life.

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