Properties of sound

Properties of sound 

What is sound wave, property of sound

Sound is propagated in the form of a wave of vibrations which moves away from the source. Vibration as we know is an oscillators motion which repeats itself after a fixed interval of time. Like any other oscillatory motion, sound has the following properties: amplitude, time period, and frequency


We know that sound is propagated by vibrations in the particles of medium about a mean position. The maximum distance moved by the particles of the medium on either side of the mean position represents the amplitude of sound.

Time period

Time period of a
sound wave refers
to the time taken
by a particle of
the medium to
complete one
vibration. Time period is measured in seconds (s)


The number of oscillations completed by the air particles in one second is called the frequency of vibrations. The frequency is expressed in hertz (H2).
A frequency of 50 Hz represents 50 oscillations in a second. An increase in frequency means more
vibrations or oscillations in a given time.



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