Mountains of smoke and fire | know more about mountain

Mountains of smoke and fire


The largest volcanic eruption at Mount Tambora  occurred in 1815 on Sumbawa island,now a part of Indonesia. The explosive eruption and the subsequent tsunamis killed about 10,000 people. Deposition of thick ash resulted in agriculture loose and a rise in the death troll to 82,000 as a result of famines and diseases.


The second largest eruption occurred in 1883 at Krakatoa (krakatau) in Indonesia krakatoa  is a vocano on a small uninhabited island between Java and Sumatra. As a consequence of this outburst, the 23 sq km area of the island disappeared. The explosion pushed the ash to a height of 80 km . The force of this outburst was equivalent to that of 10,000 atomic bombs


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