5 morning habits that you don't have to do ever

Cute Sleeping baby

1. Whenever you have to be fresh in the morning just do the maximum number of tasks in the previous night so that nothing much is left in the morning .by doing this you can have a stress free morning and you will have a feeling of greatness in yourself.

2. Just after waking up stay away from your distractions. for example you have TV your distractions list, mobile phones ,Facebook ,WhatsApp ,Snapchat or anything else stay away from these things .if you will do these things you will be distracted in the whole day .so it's my personal experience that never chat or see the messages in the morning.

3. Take proper breakfast in the morning. if you don't take proper breakfast in the morning you will feel lazy before your lunch break in the school .so have proper breakfast.

4. Stop snoozing yes never snooze your alarms .if you will do so you will have the feeling of failure in yourself and it is scientifically proven that the feeling of failure take you to the feeling of laziness in the whole day. so never snooze your alarm

So these were the four scientific tips that I have researched on.



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