Amazing animals

Amazing animals


Anacondas are water-loving snakes found in tropical
South America. The green anaconda is the largest
enake in the world. Although anacondas and
pythons both have been reliably measured
at over 9 metres long, anacondas have been
reported to measure over 10 metres and are
much more heavily built. Most individuals,
however, do not exceed 5 metres.
Unlike other snakes which lay eggs, a female
anaconda gives live birth to 14-82 babies, each
more than 62 cm in length. The young grow rapidly,
attaining almost 3 metres by age three.


Tamarins (Leontideus rosalia) are found in some
parts of Central and South America and the
Amazon basin. A tamarin is a squirrel-sized
monkey which has soft silky fur, covering
its head and face. The fur is golden in
colour. Its thick fur resembles the mane of
a lion, and hence its name is 'golden lion'.


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